General information
- Title of the Sub-project: A Value Chain on Cashew for Domestic and Export Market
- Component: 2
- Sub-project Code: 20041
- Approved duration of the Sub-project from 1st April, 2009 to 30th June, 2012
- Total sanctioned amount for the sub-project (Rs in lakhs): 286.7694
- Total sanctioned amount & expenditure of the sub-project (Rupeess in Lakhs) partner wise upto January 2012
Name |
Amount sanctioned (Rupees in Lakhs)
Amount released (Rupees in Lakhs) |
Amount utilized
(Rupees in Lakhs) |
Percentage (%) of utilization |
CL (CEPC Kollam)
144.4749/- |
130.40068/- |
121.52992/- |
93.20 |
CP1 (UAS, Bangalore)
56.97120/- |
42.30325/- |
32.65352/- |
77.19 |
CP2 (DCR, Puttur)
68.58990/- |
50.10739/- |
32.64006/- |
65.14 |
CP3 (KSCDC Kollam)
17.89950/- |
10.22703/- |
9.93385/- |
97.13 |
CL-Consortia Leader; CP-Consortia Partner